Your Lead To Wellbeing In Thailand | 5 Methods To Nourish Your Spirit

Get Pampered

Spas in Thailand have it all to offer, from the traditional Thai massage to herbal compress massages. The smell of the herbs alone is enough to relax you and help you unwind after a busy trip. Try a Thai herbal compress massage, where they pack a variety of Thai herbs in a muslin cloth and roll it into a ball.

Find Your Zen

Thailand is an excellent area to learn about meditation because Buddhism is the prevalent religion. Thai monks typically meditate for four hours per day, while some may meditate for up to 14 hours/day. There are many different styles of meditation that may be used to focus the mind. And you can try out few of them during your visit to Thailand. Whether it’s a traditional meditation session or something more unusual.

Feel a Rush Through Your Veins

Clear blue lagoons, intriguing tunnels, and strange rock formations can all be found in the marine park, Thailand. In this underwater utopia, you’ll snorkel through the waters and stare at a vast and colorful array of fish. Also you will take a short stroll to see the famed Emerald Lake, which was featured in the film The Beach. Stop for a great Thai lunch around midday at one of the small, isolated beaches. Then spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing and admiring the shimmering waters and spectacular panoramic views in this breathtaking tropical paradise.

Mu Ko Ang Thong National Marine Park, Thailand

Tickle Your Tastebuds

It’s no secret that clean and healthy eating falls under the category of health and wellness. And Thailand has no shortage of dishes and restaurants for you to choose from.

The Michelin Guide has given out stars to 17 restaurants in Bangkok alone, so an exclusive restaurant experience can round off a deliciously delightful day. A great way to expose yourself to new and exciting gastronomy is to go on an immersive street food tour with a local private guide.

Engage Your Mind

Because mental fitness is equally as essential as physical fitness, why not challenge your mind by learning about fascinating history of Thailand and cultural diversity?

Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized by a European country. And a private-guided tour of the ruins of Thailand’s second ancient capital city, Ayutthaya, is one of the best ways to learn about the country’s history. While touring the ancient ruins of what was once a Southeast Asian mecca, you’ll learn about the country’s rich history. And the power struggle between the Lan Na and the Burmese.

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