Keenjhar Lake


Keenjhar Lake otherwise called Karli Lake is a tremendous new water lake which makes it a well known traveler resort in Sindh.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Culture, Family, Short Breaks
  • Activity Level Strenuous
  • Group Size Large Group
All about the Keenjhar Lake.

Keenjhar Lake, additionally called (Karli Lake), might be a superb man-made water repository found inside the core of Thatta District of Sindh. It’s area advantageously puts it only 36 kilometers off from the well known verifiable city of Thatta. The established truth that it’s the second-biggest freshwater lake in Pakistan is one among the main explanations for its boundless prevalence. The lake holds tremendous significance since it’s one among the most wellsprings of consumable water for the 2 significant urban communities in Sindh, Thatta, and Karachi. The water assortment of Karli Lake is accepted to be shaped by the association of two lakes: Sonehri and Keenjhar and one is Keenjhar Lake Resort. Giving a safe natural surroundings to winter transitory moreover as territorial fledgling species including ducks, herons, egrets, ibises, terns, coots, geese, flamingos, cormorants, waders, and gulls, the lake has been pronounced as an untamed life asylum.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • 2 Nights of Accommodation at Keenjhar Lake
  • Private Chauffeur with car/suv (upon request)
  • Entrance tickets & parking fees
  • Only Breakfast Served (Lunch & Dinner upon request)
  • Deluxe/Superior Room Perks
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Travel insurance and other emergencies
  • Visa fees and entry clearing fees
  • Photography accessories like cameras etc.
  1. Day 1 Arrival

    Arrival in Keenjhar

  2. Day 2 Exploring Keenjhar

    Since Keenjhar Jheel is arranged close to the noteworthy city of Thatta, it’s encircled by numerous value seeing antiquated milestones. Along these lines, to make your excursion much all the more intriguing and important, you’ll likewise attempt one among the chronicled puts close by. Here’s a posting of some of the principal mainstream vacation spots close to Keenjhar Lake:

    • Old Jamia Masjid Thatta
    • Soonda Graveyard
    • Maqam Qadam Shah Graveyard
    • Tomb of Sultan Ibrahim
    • Nawab Ameer Khani Mosque
    • Shahjahan Mosque
    • Dabgir Mosque
    • Kalan Kot Fort
  3. Day 3 Departure

    Departure from Keenjhar
